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Whatever the demographics, when you see a happy couple, you just know it! How do these couples stay in love, in good times and in bad? Fortunately, the answer isn’t through luck or chance. As a result of hard work, commitment and the building of sustainable habits.

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A healthy and fulfilling relationship may be the single most important thing in our lives, but when it becomes unhealthy, it can also do the most damage. A healthy relationship is one of trust, kindness, respect, understanding, and generosity, one that offers support and encouragement.

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These are the warning signs of what could be a dangerous relationship and why we ignore them on first, second and even third dates. Why would you go on a date with someone if you are already involved with someone else? Why would you move in with someone if you didn't really know them well enough?

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Make time for your family, it is the best thing you can do for you and your families happiness. It all comes down to making the necessary changes in your life to build the good habits of a happy family.

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Your brother is the most important man in your life. Your brother knows your faults but he will always be there to defend you. It might come as a surprise to some, but your brother is someone who loves you unconditionally.

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When asked, most people want to be "successful" in life, in their marriages and their parenting. But what does it actually mean to be "successful?" Is it to be the best that you can be? This is a list of five rules that through the correct habit building pathways you can have a successful family.

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In life, knowing that someone cares about you can get you through a tough day, month or even a year. This is one of the best things about being married. Is your partner feeling loved today?

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Emotional support is the art of giving and receiving. There are so many ways to show your partner that you care about them. Here is a list of ten ways to give and get emotional support.

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Those of you that are married or in a long term partnership are in it for the long haul (this we hope). Sometimes you find yourselves trying to figure out how to survive the stormiest of days. These are the ways to support your partner through a rough time

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You can't go at this alone, you need to have good friends to help you through the challenges that life will inevitably throw at you. But to have a good friend, you need to be one first.

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Best friends are great, they are your best buddy first and foremost but somehow they can be really annoying sometimes. Even at their most annoying moment, don't forget that they are your buddy, and believe it or not you are probably just as annoying.

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Friends are precious, having someone to call upon when you need help in today's society is priceless. Real, genuine friends are rare and should be looked after. These are the habits that you need to cut out of your life and your friendships for good!

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10 Things you MUST do if you want to lose weight

Subscribe and download a high quality infographic, "10 things you MUST do if you want to lose weight" 10 things you must do if you want to lose weight - infographic
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