Goal setting mistakes made in the new year

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In this article by Beth Bishop, she explains why your workout resolutions fail and offers advice on how to make this the year that they stick. Losing weight and living a 'healthier lifestyle' are two of the most common goals that we hear about. Beth Bishop's reasearch shows that only about eight percent of people setting these goals say that they are successfully achieving them.


Goal setting mistakes

Here are a few goal setting mistakes that we see at the Life Habit, that will get in the way of you achieving your goals.

Setting vague goals with no way of tracking progress.

"Let's say you want to lose weight. Awesome. But what does that mean to you exactly?"

Setting goals in the new year needs to be, measurable and realistic amongst other effective goal setting tips. A better way of  "I want to lose weight" would be "I want to lose 10 pounds of body fat in 6 weeks. "

Asking your coach or fitness professional to check your weight and or body fat percentage at regular intervals.   

Setting unrealistic goals.

Beth Bishop says that she can't tell you how many times she has heard, "I want to lose 20 pounds by the end of the month." The real world isn't The Biggest Loser. When you set yourself up with unrealistic goals, you will ultimately get discouraged and fail. Instead, set realistic goals and small milestones along the way to celebrate your accomplishments. Say your goal is to lose 20 pounds. "An average person can expect to lose 1–2 pounds of fat per week," Beth Bishop.

So setting more realistic goals (small milestones) in achieving your 'ideal' weight is important, it will make you far more likely to stick to the plan   

Lack of planning.

It's time to get real with yourself. If you tend to work late on Monday, schedule a workout for the morning instead of the evening. If you're not a morning person, don't expect to start waking up at 5 a.m. to go to the gym just because it's a new year. If you have only worked out once a week during the last year, don't expect yourself to do six times a week. Gradually build up your sessions, this will make sure that you stick to it for longer. Mark your calendar for realistic workout times and don't let anyone or any excuse touch them!  

As far as getting in those tough morning sessions, be sure to make the correct habits to optimize your sleep.

Getting confused in the world of dieting

This is certainly a scary topic for most people at the start of the new year. And can negatively affect your goal setting.

It is very important to have a good deitary plan in place, but have a look at these MUST have habits to lose weight.   

Neglecting balance.

"Reaching realistic fitness goals takes more than hitting the gym hard." There are other lifestyle factors that are critical to your success: making sure you are getting eight hours of sleep a night, being in control and managing stress, and eating a balanced diet.
"If you're chowing down on pizza and getting four hours of sleep a night, you're probably not going to reach your goals."

Take a look at some tips on setting good goals


Click here for the original article

10 Things you MUST do if you want to lose weight

Subscribe and download a high quality infographic, "10 things you MUST do if you want to lose weight" 10 things you must do if you want to lose weight - infographic
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