Kids can get hooked onto eating bad foods. This can lead to the creation of bad eating habits for many years to come. Here is how you can break bad habits, or even better prevent them, and build great new ones for your child.
Building great new healthy eating habits for your children
Creating healthy eating habits for even the pickiest of kids is possible if you start early enough. Identifying and breaking the bad habits and replacing them with new good habits.
Focus on one aspect a time
Once kids get their first taste of crunchy, sweet or salty foods , it's hard to get them unhooked. Because of this, instead of banning these kinds of foods outright from the home, limit the number of treats that kids are allowed to eat each day. That way, kids won't be as tempted to want what they can't have because the food won't be completely forbidden. By focusing on one aspect at a time, you can limit the temptation that children have to eat the wrong foods.
Make it rewarding
Rather than giving kids money for treats at school, make it clear the kids can instead save the money and spend it on non-food items. This is a great way to teach your kids to save early and make it a happy and rewarding habit. You can teach them to start setting smart goals by simply setting them for yourself.
Being regular is essential
If parents want to buy a treat or a kind of junk food and bring it into the home, buy the smallest possible package of that food instead of the economy bulk sized packages. There is always going to be an urge to buy the bulk package or buy some treats for the family, you have to be regular with the way you shop.
Encourage kids to drink zero-calorie beverages instead of sugary juices and soda .
Extend yourself each time
When cooking dinner, always make sure to have one item that the kid likes and will eat. Also cook extras of the fruits and vegetables to encourage seconds.
Try learning new ways to cook for your family, finding healthy options and trying new things, you will find loads of healthy and still tasty foods that your children will love.
Boredom is the enemy
Boredom is the enemy for you and your child, be sure to keep mixing things up. Eating the same food, even if it is healthy, it can become an issue very quickly.
Be observant
Watch your children (and your partner) carefully, keep reevaluating how you feel and more importantly how they feel. This is of course subjective but it will help you measure your progress to a happier and healthier family.
The best part about all of this is that once you have a healthy child, following healthy eating habits, you will have freed up your mind to think of other things in your busy daily schedule. The power is in your hands.
Learn more about breaking your bad habits and building great new ones with TheLifeHabit community.